Let Us Return

“Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up” Hosea 6:1.
God invites you to come back to Him.
No matter how far away you’ve wandered or how long you’ve been gone, Hosea 6:1 opens the door:
let us return to the Lord.”
That’s the invitation to revival.
This is a tender-hearted pleading.
You don’t have to stay where you are.
You don’t have to live the life you’re living.
You don’t have to experience the sorrow and heartache you’re feeling.
You can return to the Lord.
It’s not too late.
God is waiting now with open arms.
Return to Him!
Receive the Joy God Gives
Doubt can become faith.
Discouragement can become joy.
Despair can become purpose and fulfillment.
Defeat can become victory.
How can that happen in your life?
When you return.
The Hebrew term translated return is used more than one thousand times in the Old Testament—more frequently than almost any other term describing what God desires for us.
Hosea uses the term twenty-three times.
In fact, the entire book of Hosea assures us that good things await those who return to the Lord.
Returning is a picture of repentance and a decision made at a point in time.
Imagine a smoke alarm suddenly going off.
You have an instant choice to make:
Remain where you are or move away from the danger.
You may be slow to respond or simply ignore the alarm, hoping it will reset.
Perhaps that’s the danger.
In the same way spiritually, when you hear the alarm, how do you respond?
Have you grown deaf to God’s call? When God has spoken, have you simply ignored Him?
Do you hear His voice today, beckoning, “Come, return”?