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Day: October 11, 2022



“To those who are perishing, the message of the cross is foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is God’s power.” 1 Corinthians 1:18.

Don’t be surprised when not everyone is as excited about the gospel as you are! 

As you enjoy the thrill of walking with Jesus- 

– you may be surprised when others choose not to experience God in the same exciting way you do.

Paul understood that those who approach Christianity with skepticism will never find any power in it. 

Such people consider the gospel foolishness. 

On the other hand, those who truly believe the good news discover firsthand the power of God.

Why is it some people never experience God’s activity in their lives? 

Because their lack of faith prevents them from seeing him at work. 

Their rejection of the truth ultimately costs them their lives. 

However, those who approach God with faith see him at work, and they experience his mighty power on a regular basis.

The Bible says some people simply refuse to accept the truth of the cross. 

To nonbelievers the Christian message is nonsense, so it holds no power for them. 

They can’t understand how anyone could accept it. 

They may even ridicule you for believing it!

But never stop sharing the good news simply because some people reject it. 

There will be those who do accept the truth of Christ-

– and you will see them experience God at work in their lives in the same powerful way he has worked in yours.
