Victory Party

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5.
Soldiers don’t usually sit down for a picnic in the middle of a raging battlefield.
They either fight to the death, or they turn and run!
But David painted a very different kind of battlefield scene-
– a picture of total security.
In the midst of the worst onslaughts his enemies could dish out-
David found peace in God and a reason to celebrate.
Others were trying to keep the crown from him-
– but they couldn’t stop God from making him king.
Going through life’s hardest battles can sometimes teach us the most about God.
When our enemies are attacking us and we want to panic-
God gives us peace.
He lays out a banquet to celebrate the victory that’s already ours.
He reminds us who we are in Christ:
A royal treasure claimed by the King as his own.
When everything is going well-
– we might take God’s presence for granted,
– but when life is hard, we can often see his presence more clearly.
That’s because he gives us peace and cause for celebration in places where we’d expect only despair.
If you’re experiencing some of the difficulties that life throws at you-
– look to see what God is doing.
He hasn’t gone anywhere.
He’s preparing a table for your victory party-
– pouring out his blessings on you.
You don’t have to leave the battlefield to have your picnic-
– because God is with you,
– and your enemies can’t intimidate him.
Read Up:
Habakkuk 3:17-19; 1 Peter 4:12-19.