
“When there are many words, sin is unavoidable, but the one who controls his lips is wise.” Proverbs 10:19.
Every time you speak-
– your words have the potential either to bring joy to others or to cause great pain.
Words of encouragement don’t always come easily.
Building up others requires that-
– we first think about what they need to hear,
– and then allow the Holy Spirit time to give us the words he wants us to say.
This requires setting aside the desire to do all the talking-
– focusing our attention instead on the other person.
It means resisting the urge to interrupt every time we think of something to say.
A fool, on the other hand, doesn’t think before speaking.
A fool is never concerned about saying the right thing at the right time.
Opportunities to say an encouraging word are often lost-
– because the fool is unprepared and preoccupied with selfish thoughts.
Some of the deepest hurts people carry throughout life have come from careless words spoken to them by a fool.
Have you missed opportunities to bless others because you were too busy talking to listen to them?
Are you in the habit of blurting out comments without thinking of the potential damage your words could cause?
Commit yourself to becoming a wise person whose words bring comfort and encouragement.
Ask questions-
– listen more,
– and talk less.
You’ll be pleased with the results, and so will those around you.
If you speak the truth, but say it in the wrong way, what kind of damage can that do?
Read Up: Psalm 73:13-17;James 3:7-12.