
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21.
Your heart can be a battleground!
And whoever (or whatever) owns it will determine what you do with your life.
One of the great temptations you’ll face in life will be in the area of money and possessions.
The world will bombard you with advertisements of wonderful things you could buy if only you had enough money.
Slick advertisements will promise that your life would be perfect if only you had a particular product.
Society will affirm that whoever has the most money will be the happiest and most powerful.
The world can make the pursuit of money and possessions very tempting!
But Jesus has some warnings for you if you are preoccupied with gaining wealth:
Wealth doesn’t last.
Money doesn’t satisfy.
It is only temporary.
Possessions can be stolen.
Money can be lost or wasted.
Even if you do obtain wealth, you will find that it disappoints, because it cannot truly satisfy you.
Jesus taught that true happiness comes not from collecting possessions-
– but from investing our lives in things that are eternal.
Spiritual things last forever.
No one can take them away.
They don’t depreciate over time.
Investing in God’s kingdom is the smartest investment anyone could ever make.
Where have you been investing your time and effort?
Have you set your heart on things that will last forever?
Read Up: Proverbs 23:4-5, Ecclesiastes 5:10-20.