There’s a Better Way

” For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” Romans 8:29-30.
The Lord at times works our circumstances to humble us.
By doing so, He reveals how dependent we are on Him for victorious living.
This is how He eliminates the idol of self-effort from our pursuit of holiness.
It is also His way of achieving other purposes in our lives.
Our heavenly Father has more in mind than simply exposing the weakness of our flesh—that is simply a means to something greater.
He intends to put us on display for all eternity as examples of His grace and goodness.
He wants the angels to see the body of Christ and stand in awe before this dazzling demonstration of His handiwork.
What would you and I need to do to qualify for this purpose?
Is there any way we can possibly understand the full scope of His designs for our lives?
What must be done so that we may live in the fullness of everything He has in mind for His children?
We don’t have all the answers to these questions.
As a result, we have difficulty understanding why God at times allows us to fail.
If we could only see the glorious final product He has in mind-
– we would gladly abandon our self-effort and yield to His transforming power.
But instead, we often insist on doing things our way.
And as long as we remain in this mode of thinking-
God will allow us to fail.
There’s a better way!
It is simply to live by faith-
– trusting the Holy Spirit within us every moment of every day to conform us to the likeness of God’s Son Jesus Christ.