Lens of Your Love

“About food offered to idols: We know that “we all have knowledge.” Knowledge inflates with pride, but love builds up.” 1 Corinthians 8:1.
Knowing the truth and then applying it are different.
In today’s passage the apostle Paul stated he knew the truth regarding meat sacrificed to idols.
He also knew he needed to apply this truth to the church at Corinth very carefully-
– deferring to the consciences of new believers whose faith was immature and would not allow them to eat the meat.
Most likely they had worshiped idols prior to becoming Christians.
In their minds, eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols was tantamount to idol worship.
Paul had a choice.
He could become “puffed up” with pride because he knew God’s truth regarding the matter.
Or he could love the Corinthians, balancing his acceptance of their immaturity with their need to grow spiritually.
We face similar choices.
Will we be prideful or helpful as we interact with our brothers and sisters in Christ?
Love enlightens us, enabling us to defer to others and minister to them in ways that meet their true needs as they grow in their relationship with Christ and us.
“Father, help me to look beyond myself and see other believers through the lens of Your love!”