Remain Accountable

“So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12.
In Romans 14 Paul tackled one of the most divisive issues in the young church.
Dietary restrictions were a key boundary and distinctive in Jewish piety.
The issue of eating meat sacrificed to idols seems minor in our culture-
– yet in the first century this debate was of major theological importance.
In today’s passage Paul told Christians not to look down upon or criticize a brother for his decisions before the Lord.
Among other things, Paul reminded them that each person would give account of himself to God.
Neither of the groups in Rome had the right to condemn the other.
Neither group had responsibility for the practice or opinion of others.
However, everyone had personal responsibility for his or her own behaviour and practice.
Today, differences exist between Christians over church practices.
For example, one church worships with contemporary music; another sings only hymns.
Each person is accountable for his attitudes and actions toward others-
– including those who practice their faith in different ways.
“Father, help me remain accountable to You for my attitudes and actions toward others who are different.”