Best Decision

“Those who trust in themselves are fools,but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.” Proverbs 28:26.
According to 2 Corinthians 5:7, believers are to walk by faith.
However, with so many voices clamouring for us to follow worldly paths-
– we often struggle to hear and apply God’s wisdom.
For example, it is hard to ignore our natural impulse to withhold mercy, even though the Lord says we must forgive. Eph. 4:32.
Godly wisdom is the capacity to view things as the Lord does and to respond according to biblical principles.
This discernment isn’t automatic.
Yes, God’s Holy Spirit lives inside believers to prompt them to do right.
However, each individual chooses whether or not to pursue the wise way.
To walk wisely, a person must commit to remaining on the right path—that is, to determine in his or her heart, I will follow God no matter what.
Pleasing the Lord and conforming to His likeness are always the right things to do.
Resolving to honour God transforms the way we make decisions.
It means choosing to seek His viewpoint in a given situation instead of following instincts or impulses.
And rather than relying on other people’s advice-
– it involves a decision to search Scripture for verification of what God seems to be saying.
As a result, the Spirit’s quiet voice becomes easier to discern, and those worldly shouts fade.
You have a loving heavenly Father who honors the heartfelt commitment to walk according to His will.
God assumes responsibility for offering His children sought-after wisdom and enabling them to keep walking on the right path. Prov. 3:5-6.
Following Him is always the best decision!