Possessions have a way of possessing!

It would seem that the more a person makes-
– the easier it would be to give.
But that is not the case!
Possessions have a way of possessing!
A wealthy person may give a larger dollar amount!
But a proportionately smaller amount than a poor person!!
God looks at the proportion, not the amount.
It is within the grasp of every person to please God with their giving because-
He weighs the gift not in dollars but in sacrifice.
Jesus saw among those bringing their gifts to the temple a widow.
Her offering was “two very small copper coins”, worth very little.
Yet she is the one He commended.
She did not give a pittance out of her excess!
But gave excess out of her pittance!!
Jesus is interested-
– in the heart that gives!
– not the hands that have!!
He did not commend the rich for the size of their gifts!
But the widow for the size of her heart!!
With prosperity comes a peril!
A person no longer has things, but things have a person.
Do a heart exam on yourself!
Is it a heart that Jesus would-
– commend?
– or condemn?