Trust in the Lord

In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8)
David was being pursued by his son, Absalom, who had rebelled against him. Instead of sleeping in his palace bed, David was sleeping in the wilderness.
The rebel soldiers might attack him any time. There was the prospect of a battle that would decide the outcome of who would be the real king of Israel.
He was in distress, yet he was able to lie down and sleep. He trusted in the Lord. He believed the Lord would keep him safe (v 8).
David cried out to the Lord for help (v 1). He called upon the God of his righteousness because God is the One who declared him righteous.
He believed the Lord would hear his prayer (v 3).
He offered sacrifices of praise though he was not able to go to Jerusalem to worship (v 5). All these while, David put his trust in the Lord.
He received hope (v 7), joy (v 8), and peace (v 9).
David prayed before he laid down to sleep. Pray and praise God before you retire to bed. Rest assured that He has a better tomorrow for you.