Lessons From 2020

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14)
Many people clear their stuff during the end of the year.
They throw away old things. They clean the house. To prepare for a good start for the new year.
Let’s go through our stuff and see if there is anything we should throw away or keep for next year.
The Christian life is a life of growth. We learn lessons from the past but we forge ahead.
2020 will be a memorable year for all of us. It is the year of the Covid19 pandemic.
There were sorrows, joys, disruptions, new inventions, challenges, and victories.
Let’s take stock of 2020. Three lessons we can learn from 2020:
- Reboot.
We learn what is essential and what is not.
Countries close their borders. The overcrowded skies become clear. Non-essential work, travel, and businesses ceased.
Nature is given a break. Animals come out from hiding. The earth is having its Sabbath.
Shops selling non-essential goods are closed. Public transport see fewer passengers. Public places have become less crowded.
Who says you can’t get to visit other countries? You can go on virtual tours. Without spending a cent or feeling tired from walking.
It is like going back to those days when life was simpler and less cluttered.
- Rest.
We learn to rest.
Instead of rushing off to work, Dad and Mum are at home with their children.
People are interacting more with their family members.
They take up hobbies like gardening, pottery, or playing games like jigsaw puzzles or building blocks.
People are staying at home. We seem to have more time on hand.
- Return of Christ.
The Bible prophesies the coming end times.
Many say this pandemic is a prelude to the tribulation period.
The tribulation will be a time of great global chaos. Earthquakes and other natural disasters, wars, pandemic, economic collapse will all happen at the same time.
God is shouting at us through this pandemic to repent before He sends judgment during the last days.
We need to:
- Reboot our lives. We have been distracted for too long. Go back to where we started in our Christian lives by Bible reading, prayer, church, witnessing.
- Rest. Wait on the Lord. Cease all non-essential activities and focus on growing our Christian lives.
- Return of Christ. Turn our eyes from looking at worthless earthly things that do not last. Look upwards for the blessed hope of His return.