The Perfect Gift

For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. (Heb 10:14)
We think carefully what gift to present to our loved ones during Christmas. The gift must be beneficial to the recipient. He must also like it.
God gave us not only the best gift, it was a perfect gift.
Jesus lived a perfect, holy life. There was no sin found in Him.
Nobody could accuse Him of any wrong.
Every word He uttered stayed in the air.
His conduct was faultless.
Every high priest of Israel came from the line of Aaron. He must first offer a sacrifice for his own sins before he could perform his duty as high priest. This he did every year.
But Jesus need not offer any sacrifice for Himself.
He was the Great High Priest who offered up the perfect sacrifice of Himself on the cross for our sins.
We need a perfect Savior who could pay the price of sin perfectly, once and for all.
We need a perfect salvation that is real and eternal.
We have enough of imperfections in this life, both ours and in the world.
Praise the Lord! In Christ, we have the perfect and complete payment for our sins.
“Look into that manger and remember, the one who was born without sin and committed no sin, took the penalty for our sin, so we could stand before God as if we had no sin.” (Paul David Tripp)
Christ is the perfect Gift given by God to us.
He is all we need.