The Unexpected Gift

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. (Isa 53:3)
Someone gave you a beautifully-wrapped present. But when you opened it, you were disappointed because it was not what you had hoped for.
God promised long ago that He would send a Deliverer who would save His people.
They expected a hero who would come with an army to vanquish their enemy.
They expected a king who would bring prosperity to their land.
They expected a ruler who could solve every political, economic, or social problem.
When the Savior came, He was born into a poor family.
He lived in an insignificant part of the country.
He worked as a carpenter.
Who would have thought that this Man was the Savior?
But He taught with authority. He healed the sick. He cast out demons. He performed miracles. He did what no man could.
Then out of jealousy, the religious leaders had Him crucified.
They thought they had gotten rid of Him.
But He conquered death by rising from the dead, proving He is the Savior.
What was unexpected turned out to be God’s promise. God kept His promise to send the Savior, His Son.
Jesus was not what the world had hoped for. But Jesus is the Hope of the world.
God’s gift of His Son was an unexpected gift. He is the best gift for the world.
For through Him, we receive God’s grace and truth.
And through Him, we have eternal life.
Thank you, Lord, for coming into the world to save us. You were rejected and despised by men, but we welcome You into our hearts. Come and rule over us and be our Lord and Savior.