Free to Fly

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
How do eagles feel in cages in zoos?
These magnificent birds are designed to soar to the heights of mountaintops.
Do they get frustrated?
Are they fulfilled?
Too many of us, who were also designed to reach our total God-given human and spiritual potential-
– are trapped in a cage of our own or of another’s making.
We fail to resolve the problems in our life that hold us back.
We may have been wounded in the past.
But God wants us to be healed
– to be made whole,
– to be free to fly, and
– to soar like the eagles.
We have a choice:
We can scratch in the dirt with the turkeys.
Or we can soar in the sky like the eagles!
We can wait (seek after and hope) in the Lord God.
And rise up to fly with the eagles to the heights that God envisioned for us to reach.
May God help us to wait on Him to renew our strength so that-
– with His help, we will see our God-given life purpose and ‘fly’ to reach the full potential He has planned for us to achieve.