Don’t Add Guilt to Your Load

In the book Prozac Nation-
Elizabeth Wurtzel describes her experiences with chronic depression.
Depression is an experience common to many people.
Life can be terribly unfair, terribly tragic!
That’s why many people like Elizabeth have sought relief from antidepressants like Prozac.
There are those who feel that being a Christian makes you somehow immune to depression.
If you happen to fall into the pit of despair, you’re not very ‘spiritual’ are you?
Such judgments add a load of guilt to a person who is already miserable.
For those who struggle with feelings of depression-
– there’s bad news and good news.
The bad news is that such feelings are a fact of life in this broken world.
Some disappointments or tragedies can leave a person depressed.
The good news!
You are not alone.
As Psalm 73 (and many other passages) clearly shows, even God’s chosen people experience anxiety, despair, and darkness in their soul.
If Psalm 73 doesn’t convince you-
– check out Elijah’s story (1 Kings 19) and Jesus’ experience in Gethsemane.
Matthew 26 speaks of Jesus’ soul being ‘crushed with grief to the point of death.’ v. 38.
Depression that lasts for a long time indicates a need for counselling.
There is nothing unusual or unspiritual about-
– ‘walking through the dark valley’ from time to time.
When you are caught in one of those unpleasant times, don’t add guilt to your load!
Just trust that God knows what’s up and will help you through this situation!