What Have I Done for Jesus?

For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. (Phil 2:13)
One day, we will stand before the Lord to give an account of our lives.
So we ask ourselves, “What have I done for Jesus?”
A better question would be: What does the Lord want to do through me?
We think of the saying: Only one life, t’will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.
This saying could be better phrased: What Christ does through us will last.
You see, it is not our work, but His work. It is not what we want to do. It should be what He wants to do through us. Or what He wants me to do. Because what we want to do might not be the Lord’s will.
We might feel guilty and start doing this or that, thinking that the more we do, the more we will please the Lord and the more rewards we will receive in heaven.
Take a look at the example of the thief on the cross.
He was thinking about his own resurrection in future when the Messiah returns to establish His kingdom.
Jesus told him he does not need to wait. He will be with Him on that very day.
What has the thief done for Jesus? Nothing.
But God was at work in his life.
God was working in him, and bringing him to this point where he will be saved.
He must have heard about Jesus, the great Teacher and Prophet.
He might even have seen Him.
But now, he comes face to face with Him who is the Messiah, the Hope of Israel.
He sees Jesus being crucified. He is touched by Him. He is now convinced that Jesus is who He really is, the Son of God.
He rebukes his accomplice, repents and calls Jesus as his Lord.
This thief was used by the Lord without him realizing it. The short account of his crucifixion has been used to teach many truths.
When he goes to heaven, he will realize that God was using him all along.
Yes, the Lord is working in our lives right now. It is not so much what we want to do for Him. It is that we allow Him to work in our lives.
He is working in us and using us right now. Perhaps as an example to a colleague. Or as a loving parent representing our loving God.
Our part is to submit to Him and let Him do as He pleases with us.
Lord, what will You have me to do?