Live by His Grace

My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:8)
God wants us to live by grace. His grace.
Our God is a gracious God. Jesus is full of grace and truth.
God is love.
Though there are laws and commands in the Bible, God commanded them out of love for us.
A caring mother will warn her child, “Don’t go near the stove. It is hot.”
God’s grace is His favor upon us regardless of our race, age, gender, our past or our present.
We don’t deserve His blessings, but He lavishes His love upon us (Eph 1:3-8).
And because God is gracious, we should reflect His grace.
We should live life fully aware and thankful to Him that we are alive because of Him.
We worship Him because we love Him and want to worship Him.
We bless others because God loves them.
We serve others not to earn any reward or expecting anything in return. We serve out of love for others, whether they deserve it or not.
We forgive others. We love our enemies.
We love the unlovely. We help the needy.
All because God extends His love towards us though we don’t deserve Him.
We were once enemies of God. We were sinfully unlovely. We need God’s forgiveness. We are still needy people.
Yet God continues to forgive us, bless us, and provides for us.
When we think life is hard or when we find it uncomfortable helping others, think about God’s grace towards us though we don’t deserve it.
His grace is sufficient for us.
Ask the Lord to help us to live by His grace.