I Surrender All

God said (to Abraham), “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” (Gen 22:2)
God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac.
Notice that God said, “Your son, your only son, whom you love.”
Isaac was Abraham’s treasure.
God had promised Abraham that He would make of him a great nation through Isaac.
Abraham had great hope that God’s promise would come true through Isaac.
He had already sent Ishmael away. If Isaac was no more, Abraham would be without an heir.
But Abraham believed that God’s promise would come true. Perhaps God would cause another miracle and give Abraham another Isaac.
Abraham was resigned to the command to sacrifice Isaac.
He must be very heartbroken to give up Isaac.
He loved Isaac dearly. He was a lovely boy. He was a miracle. Abraham was already 99 years old and Sarah, being barren, was already 89 years old when Isaac was born.
But if it was God’s will, he would carry it out.
It was not easy for him to carry out God’s command.
He had to surrender his beloved son, Isaac.
He had to be childless again.
What was God thinking? How can this be God’s plan? I can never be a great nation, he thought. Or perhaps God meant to make Ishmael a great nation?
He had to give up his future plans.
He thought he could raise up Isaac for God. He thought of being a grandfather to Isaac’s sons and daughters. Maybe he might live to see his great grandchildren. How wonderful that would be!
But all these dreams would be gone. God called him to sacrifice Isaac.
If God calls you to sacrifice your dearest dreams, would you do it obediently and willingly?
Are we holding back anything from God?
God sacrificed His only beloved Son.
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? (Rom 8:32)
God calls us to deny our lives and dreams and live the life that He calls us to live, that is, to live God’s dream for our lives.
He is wiser than us. His plan for us is better than our plans for ourselves.
Will you surrender all to Him and walk in His ways and live out His will for your life?