Now do it!

“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today” (Hebrews 3:13).
Many a long-distance runner has come around that final turn wondering if he has enough energy left to finish the race, only to be energized by the cheering of the crowd.
He may feel like he’s running the remainder of the race in slow motion.
But his exertion is fortified by the voices of onlookers.
Words can have a powerful effect.
They can build up or tear down.
Our words can, and should be, encouraging ones, words that help others-especially those who are running the race of faith alongside us.
The race is hard, the challenge real, and the temptation to sin constant.
Hebrews warns us of the possibility of drifting, of allowing our hearts to harden, of being deceived by sin.
That is a very real danger that each Christian faces.
Our natural tendency is away from God, not toward Him.
An antidote for this is encouraging words.
The community of believers should daily give exhortations to help keep one another from developing a hardened heart.
As each of us has a responsibility to keep our hearts anchored close to God-
– so each has a responsibility to help others do so as well.
Notice that we are to encourage one another “Today” (v 13).
Any day that you can call “today” is a day that you are to be an encourager.
Your assignment is to encourage someone in his faith today.
Who will it be and what will you do?
Now do it!