God is My Personal God

The Lord is my shepherd. (Ps 23:1)
God is a personal God.
He is not an impersonal God or some kind of force that causes things to happen.
He is not so holy that He keeps such a great distance from us.
In fact, He is very near us.
Anyone and everyone is welcomed to approach Him and get close to Him.
Whoever comes to me I will never cast out. (John 6:37)
In fact, He wants us to get close to Him.
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb 4:16)
He is not someone else’s God.
He wants to be your personal God.
Over and over again in His Word, He says, “I am your God.” (Ex 20:2; Isa 41:13; 43:3)
He also says, “I am your shield, your defender, your strength, your strong tower, your salvation, your rock, your song.”
David writes, “The Lord is my shepherd.” (Ps 23:1).
He did not call Him a shepherd or our shepherd.
The Lord is David’s personal shepherd.
When I say, “This is my pen,” I mean this is my personal pen. The pen belongs to me.
In the same way, the Lord is my personal shepherd. The Lord belongs to me.
How wonderful!
The Lord is up close, beside you, inside you, above you, around you.
He is your personal God.