Prince of the Outcasts

“For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier…” (Ephesians 2:14).
Many years ago, the Prince of Wales visited the capital city of India.
An arduous, stately barrier had been set up to keep back the masses of people, most of them lower class, who wanted to catch a glimpse of royalty.
When the prince arrived, he shook hands with some of the political dignitaries who were presented to him.
Then, looking over their heads to the crowds beyond, he said, “Take down those barriers!”
They were quickly removed, and the people, regardless of social rank, had free access to the heir to the British throne.
Several years later, the Prince of Wales visited the same district again.
Waiting on him, were 10,000 outcasts that waited under a banner.
The banner welcomed him with these words inscribed:
“The Prince of the Outcasts.”
Not many of us take time out of our hectic schedules to reflect on the majesty of Jesus and what He did for us.
Born into sin, we were outcasts from conception.
But by the grace and forgiveness of Jesus-
– we have been adopted into the family of God.
So often we don’t thank Him or praise Him enough for the incredible mercy he showed us on the cross.
We were separated from God.
We were the outcasts.
Sin was the barrier.
And the heir to the throne came and ordered it to be taken away.
As a result-
– we now have free access to the Son.
Thank God for our “Prince of the Outcasts”-
Jesus Christ.
Take a few moments to simply thank God for sending Jesus to provide forgiveness for your sins as a sacrifice on the cross through His shed blood.
Take time to worship Him for bridging the gap so that we can have eternal life.