Grow in Grace

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Pet 3:18)
Grace is unmerited favor.
God’s grace led us to Him. And His grace is leading us through life.
God is constantly extending His favor towards us.
He gives us the resources to face life.
We don’t have to earn His favor to receive these resources.
He gives them by His grace.
He gives us His strength, wisdom, protection, guidance.
He works in us and outwardly for us.
We don’t have to try to grow by our own effort.
All we need to do is trust Him.
We live by faith in Him that He will help us every time.
Some think that God is angry with them when they see so little spiritual growth in their lives. Or they think they can’t live up to God’s standards. They start feeling guilty.
Sure, we might fail in trusting Him.
But God is patient with us.
When a child falls while trying to walk, the father is not angry at him. He encourages the child to get up and try to walk again and again.
The loving father embraced the prodigal son when he returned home. He did not reprimand his son.
We can have a distorted view of God and His grace.
Growing by God’s grace means realizing that we cannot grow by ourselves. We need His favor in order to grow. We grow in His steadfast love, mercies, and grace.
Does it mean that we do nothing?
No. There are things we are responsible to do. We are responsible for praying and reading the Bible daily and faithfully.
God will do the rest. He will do His work of grace in us to cause us to be stronger, wiser, more loving, more faithful, and bear the fruit of the Spirit.