Under Law or Under Grace?

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17).
Under hyper law, we have to do and do because the law commands us to do.
Under law, we have to do what the law says in order to show our obedience to God.
Under grace, God is already pleased with us through Christ and we need not achieve anything to please Him.
Under hyper grace, God is so pleased with us that we can do anything, even take sin lightly, because if we sin, He will still forgive us.
Under hyper law, we have to work harder and harder.
Under law, we have to do something outwardly in order for God to bless us.
Under grace, God will bless us as He sees fit. We live by faith and gratitude to Him. We believe that all things, including pain or pleasure, work for our good and His glory.
Under hyper grace, God will bless us and do whatever we tell Him to do.
Under hyper law, God is our hard slave driver.
Under law, God is our discipline master.
Under grace, God is our master.
Under hyper grace, God is our servant.
Salvation has always been by grace through faith since Adam till now. God extends His grace to His people since creation.
Grace is fully expressed through Jesus Christ.
In Him, we have full forgiveness and redemption.
We need not do anything to save ourselves. We are chosen by Him. He saves us.
God is fully pleased with us because He is pleased with His Son and we are in His Son.
We are free from the need to please Him.
We are free to make known His marvelous grace so that He will be glorified. Not because we have to but because we want to.