Let Your Light Shine

Let your light shine before man, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven (Matt 5:16).
Your inner self is the light that shines.
The Pharisees were only concerned with the outward behavior. To them, you are righteous if you observed this or that law outwardly. Give, pray, fast. They made up these laws.
But Jesus taught a higher standard. Your acts must be motivated by something that comes from within you. Your behavior must be moved by a righteousness that exceeds that of the Pharisees (Matt 5:20).
Our actions and motives may not match. We behave in a certain way to earn the approval of man.
Our motive for doing good works must come from within us. We must want to do them out of a love for God and man.
Inwardly, we should burn with a passion for God. When we burn, we shine for Him.
Others will realize that our actions are motivated by a higher interest – love. Our actions point them to the God who lives and moves in us. They will take note of God living in us and praise Him.
A person who does good will soon tire when he does it to satisfy his carnal self.
But a person who does good for a higher purpose will be energized by a higher power, God Himself.
Are your good works motivated by a good heart?