Christ the Wisdom and Power of God

And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption. (1Cor 1:30)
The cross does not make any sense to the world.
How can you be proud of an instrument of execution? How can you be proud of a Savior who died on a cross? It is like being proud of a hangman’s noose or an electric chair.
Most religious founders were given an honorable departure. Their tombs and monuments can be found everywhere.
But our Savior died on a cross.
And God turned the cross of Jesus as a symbol of shame into joy, as a symbol of defeat into victory, and as a symbol of death into life.
For through His death on the cross, Jesus paid the price of sin for man. He procured forgiveness of sin and salvation for man.
The death of Jesus has the power to save man from sin and its penalty.
The penalty of sin is paid in full by Him. Man can be declared righteous through Him.
This is the wisdom and power of God.
For those who are perishing, the cross is foolishness. But to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
The Jews are religious people. The Greeks are philosophical people.
The power and wisdom of God are both demonstrated in the cross of Jesus.
Thank God for the Lord Jesus. In Him, we can find power and wisdom for living.