Pray Without Ceasing

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thess 5:16-18).
Paul exhorts us to pray without ceasing.
Is it possible to pray without ceasing?
Is it possible to pray every hour, every day?
The Christian life is already not an easy one to live. In fact, it is impossible to live it. We need the help of the Lord. What more pray without ceasing!
The Greek word for “without ceasing” is adialeiptos, which doesn’t mean “non-stop.” Instead, it means “constantly recurring.”
Think about this:
We are already doing things that are constantly recurring.
We are constantly preparing food, cooking, eating, working.
What about constantly fiddling with our mobile phones? Texting? Social media?
If we can do these things “without ceasing,” why can’t we pray without ceasing?
To pray without ceasing is to live in His presence every moment, constantly aware of Him, talking with Him, listening to Him, asking for His direction, sensing His leading, pursuing Him in a growing relationship with Him.
God desires this closeness with us as much as we desire to be close to Him.