The Secret Place

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Ps 91:1).
There is a very safe place for everyone to dwell.
This place is called the Secret Place of God. It is in the presence of God.
Just as the High Priest of the Old Testament could enter into the Holy of Holies and be covered by the shekinah glory of God’s presence, so can we enter into a place where we are so covered by the glory of God.
The Secret Place is a place of ultimate trust and faith in God where hope is alive and well. It is a place where doubts cannot dwell, where fear is not present and where confidence in the power of God to deliver is ever present. It is a place where faith is so strong that nothing the Devil casts at us will have power over us.
The Secret Place is a place in God where we know that God has everything under control for we are convinced of it in our heart and there is no worry, no concern and no fretting over our circumstances or troubles. We have that calm assurance that all is well.
How can we dwell in this Secret Place?
The High Priest of Israel had to go through a personal cleansing process for himself and then for the nation of Israel before entering into the Holy of Holies.
When we repent of our sins, God forgives us and washes us white as snow. We must be pure and without blemish. Jesus is the only way .
Living a Holy Life is important if we want to dwell in the secret place and receive the protection there.
Because it is written, Be holy; for I am holy (1 Pet 1:16).
The safest place is in Jesus. We should strive to stay there. We should keep our eyes on Him at all times. We need to watch Jesus and not the perishing world around us.
Are you in that Secret Place today?
Live in His presence every moment. Dwell in that Secret Place under the shadow of the Almighty. Why not get closer to God and get in that Secret Place?