Peace, Joy and Hope of Easter

Luke 24:36-48.
Easter brings 3 relevant qualities to make our lives different: peace, joy, and hope.
Peace (v 36)
The disciples were confused and frightened. Jesus said to them, “Peace to you!” (v 36).
We live in such a troubled world today – diseases, wars, earthquakes, typhoons, hunger.
The world cannot give us peace. Only Jesus can.
Peace comes by realizing that we’re forgiven, that we’ve already passed judgment with God to salvation. Peace means that the grave is not the end of life. We can face tomorrow with calmness, serenity, assurance and confidence. We know that whatever happens in our lives will work out for God’s glory and our good.
Joy (v 41)
The disciples were surprised by joy. Jesus is alive. It was too good to be true!
It’s like being told you’ll receive a million dollars.
The world’s joy is fleeting and artificial. Christian joy is that inner satisfaction that comes from God. It enriches our lives and enables us to feel secure even when our circumstances are shaky.
Easter is about victory over death. We have joy in knowing that Jesus holds the keys of death and hell. He has unlocked heaven’s doors and locked the gates of hell. People fear death. But for Christians, death is a non-issue, because we possess the joy of eternal life.
Hope (v 44)
When you know God will keep His promise of your resurrection, you have a secure hope that does not disappoint. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s promises to us. Because He lives, we will live also.
Hope is necessary for survival. With hope, we can get up and face another day.
Hope causes us to rejoice.
Satan thought he won on Friday, but God had the last laugh on Easter Sunday.
Our hope causes us to laugh about the victory we have through Christ.
Today, we can walk away from Easter with renewed peace, joy, and hope.
How we live, talk, our outlook and reaction to life will all be different. Because Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death for us.
We find in Christ our reason for living, and our hope for life eternal.