Calvary Continues

“Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha).” John 19:17.
In Jesus’ day, crucifixion was used by the Roman government as a method of executing criminals.
God transformed the cross into a symbol that unites Christians everywhere.
It stands at the heart of what we believe and serves as a central focus of the gospel message.
When we consider the cross-
– we will think about his…
Our Saviour left heaven to dwell on earth and become one of us.
While here, He obediently accomplished the work His Father had given Him. John 5:19.
Because of His perfect life-
He alone was qualified to be our substitute and bear God’s judgment for our sins.
Christ went to the cross in order to reconcile us to God.
He suffered a painful death on our behalf, and through His sacrifice, our sin debt has been paid.
God’s justice was fully satisfied at Calvary.
Nothing else is required for our salvation.
Three days after Jesus was buried-
God raised Him from the dead.
The Saviour’s sacrifice on the cross was accepted as payment for our sins-
– and the way to heaven was opened for all who trust in Jesus.
Our resurrected Lord, having appeared on earth to many people, ascended to live forever with His Father.
Jesus conquered death and made it possible for us to dwell in heaven with Him someday.
I invite people to place their faith in Jesus Christ.
Because of the cross and what happened there-
– such an invitation has great value to the hearer.
In fact, the events of Calvary continue to be relevant to Christians of all ages.
Take time today to thank the Lord for the cross.