Glued to the clock!

“…as you hold out the word of life, in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing” (Philippians 2:16).
George Whitefield, a great evangelist, was talking to some friends one day and relating the difficulties of ministry.
He explained that he was weary and was glad his work and ministry would soon be over.
He stated that he was excited to depart this old earth to be with Christ.
His friends agreed with him-
– all except for one, Mr. Tennant.
Noting his disagreement, Whitefield said, “Well, Brother Tennant, you are the oldest among us; do you not rejoice to think that your time to go home is near?”
Tennant answered bluntly, “I have nothing to do with death.
My business is to live as long as I can, and as well as I can, and serve my Saviour as faithfully as I can, until He thinks it’s time to call me home.”
So many people rush through life, speed through personal devotions, and pray with one eye open and glued to the clock!
But there is no excuse for you to feel life should speed by like a flash of light!
It is important to tend to your spiritual life before anything else.
Now is the perfect time for you to spend time studying God’s Word.
You can keep a journal of daily thoughts, memorize Scripture, counsel people, share Christ or use various Bible study books to provide a more in-depth study of a particular topic, book, or theme.
It’s never too late to learn new things, grow spiritually, or deepen your walk with the Lord.
When you begin to consistently walk with the Lord and spend time with Him-
– you’ll begin to see other areas of your life grow.
Ask God to help you deepen your walk with Him until He calls you home.
Pray that He would continue to put a desire in your heart to serve Him until that day.