Fresh and flourishing

“When Joshua was old and well advanced in years, the LORD said to him, “You are very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over…I myself will drive them out before the Israelites” (Joshua 13:1, 6).
Joshua had accomplished much on the battlefield and in taking the Promised Land.
Yet, at a very old age, his command from God to take all of the land had not been fulfilled.
The Lord had to remind Joshua that his mission hadn’t been fully achieved.
Isn’t it interesting that God didn’t look for a younger leader-
– but went straight to Joshua even in his old age?
God went to the person who had accomplished much and asked him to continue on with His purpose.
The Lord wasn’t finished with Joshua.
And he isn’t through with you either!
Whether it’s through volunteer work, a part-time job, or serving in a position at your church-
God still has a purpose for you!
He didn’t say, “OK…when a man or woman reaches the age of 65, they are no longer of any use to Me.”
In almost every Christian congregation or ministry-
– there are things not being accomplished that could be done by seniors.
All that is required is a willing and able senior to step up and take the challenge God has presented to participate in various activities and ministries.
Joshua was virtually “retired” from his job.
But, even in his old age-
God called him out of retirement to continue on with the job he was to complete.
Is God calling you in your later years to continue on in ministry for His purposes?
Are you willing to take on that challenge today?
God will continue with His work through His people-
– even those who are “well advanced in years.”
Ask God to show you a ministry in which you can be involved.
Surrender yourself, even in your later years, to fulfilling His call on your life.
“They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing…” (Psalm 92:14).