Strength in the midst of struggles!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
A speaker was talking about managing difficult situations.
He raised a glass of water and asked the audience about the weight of the contents in the glass.
The answers varied from 20 to 500 grams.
The presenter told them that the absolute weight did not matter too much.
The important thing was the length of time he could hold the glass.
If he held it for a minute, said the speaker, nothing happens.
If he held it for an entire day, he would have to call an ambulance because it would cause him a serious problem.
The glass was the same weight.
But the longer he held it the heavier it became.
Many people, with their different experiences of bitter conflicts in their lives-
– start to load themselves with grief, grudges, and hate.
As time goes by, they become unable to bear any of it.
The burden is so heavy that despair and bitterness take over their lives.
For people with this negative attitude, conflicts become huge.
In their despair, they seek a solution but suffer great anguish in the process.
They do not want to forgive and do not even want to receive the forgiveness of those they have offended.
Their negative attitude is harmful to them and affects their personal lives.
When in the course of your life you face conflicts-
– always remember to look to our God, the Creator of life and love.
It is through faith in His Son, Jesus, that all burdens are removed.
It is through Christ that forgiveness is both received and given.
Rest in Him-
– so you may be able to enjoy His peace and protection.
Our dear Lord gives us the necessary strength in the midst of our struggles!
His presence leads us on paths that make us stronger by taking away our weaknesses and grief.
In order to get out of difficulties,
– and not surrender to them-
– come to Christ.