Give glory to God!

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit…He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26).
We may not even realize it.
But the Spirit of God teaches us all the time.
The Holy Spirit can unfold passages from the Bible in an incredible way through our reading and study of Scripture.
Needless to say-
– that is why we should spend regular time in Bible study and memorization.
In doing so-
– we are opening the door for the Spirit to illuminate God’s Word for us.
When I read the Bible-
I don’t have an incredible experience each time.
But I read it because I know I need to, in obedience to God.
It might be that very day or the next day when a situation will arise, and suddenly the passage I committed to memory is activated by the Holy Spirit.
All of a sudden, the Holy Spirit takes that Scripture and uses it to minister to someone.
It’s the Holy Spirit speaking through me, and that’s a wonderful experience.
When I step up to the pulpit-
I depend on the Holy Spirit to speak through me.
Yes, I have prepared.
I have done my homework.
But at the same time-
I want God to speak to the people who are listening.
Sometimes, we will hear speakers and think they are the greatest preachers who have ever lived.
But in reality-
– it is the Holy Spirit speaking through those people to us.
So let’s give glory to God and not to them.
The Holy Spirit will give us the power to live the way God wants us to live.
And He will continue to teach us.