Suddenly they seem smaller

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness”
(2 Corinthians 12:9).
Rather than saying-
`God, here is my problem’-
– we should put the problem into perspective by saying-
-`Problem, here is my God!’
There is no problem God cannot handle in our lives.
When we make our problems the object of our lives-
– it is easy to become discouraged and forget that we have a God who will sustain us during our trials.
However, when we change our perspective and the order of the words-
– we see that God becomes the object and the focus of our lives.
It seems like such a small detail wouldn’t matter much-
– but when you visualize introducing your problems to Almighty God,
– suddenly they seem smaller,
– and you realize just how triumphant you can be with His help.
Often, it is only a matter of changing our perspective in order to overcome adversity.
No matter what troubles you are facing-
– always remember our God is big enough, strong enough, and powerful enough to take care of them.
He is the answer to all of life’s problems, and He is enough.
Your problem is His project!
He comes to us-
– in the brokenness of our health,
– in the shipwreck of our family lives,
– in the loss of all possible peace of mind,
– even in the very thick of our sins.
He saves us in our disasters!