We don’t have to shout!

“Through faith in him we may approach God with…confidence” (Ephesians 3:12).
A little boy wanted a bicycle for Christmas.
He was praying one night at the top of his voice-
– telling God the kind and colour of bike he wanted.
His mother said, “Son, you don’t need to shout for God to hear you.”
He replied:
“I know, Mum, but I need to shout if grandpa’s going to hear me and buy me that bike!”
Do you know that you can pray in your mind without having to speak a word out loud?
Many of us grew up with parents who didn’t have to say a thing to make their will known.
It may have been the way they cocked their heads, a certain look in their eyes or some other signal.
But whatever it was-
– we knew exactly what was being communicated and how we were expected to respond.
Our goal in prayer should be-
– to maintain such a close relationship with God that we can communicate back and forth no matter what the situation, the time of day, or anything else.
We don’t have to shout, or use the right words in the right order-
– because our hearts are in tune with God’s heart.
The truth is, we don’t need to shout for God to hear us.
And we don’t need to try and make our own answers to prayer happen either.
Jesus said our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask.
And Jesus and the Holy Spirit too are praying for you (Romans 8:26, 34).
He gives to us according to His will because of our relationship with Him-
– not just because we say it at a decibel level loud enough to be heard!