Hunger for God

Even some intelligent people get involved in cults for all kinds of reasons.
Some people are very lonely!
Cults often go out of their way to make them feel accepted.
But the real reason for their getting involved with cult groups is-
– because down inside they are spiritually empty!
And they hope that those groups might have the answer to his spiritual hunger.
Down inside we all hunger for God-
-even if we don’t realize it, or even deny it.
The reason is because God made us this way!
“He has also set eternity in the hearts of men” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
In other words-
God made us to be His friends and have a personal relationship with Him forever.
But when we turn our backs on Him-
– the empty place in our hearts remains unfilled,
– and nothing will satisfy it.
They might have experienced virtually everything life has to offer-
– pleasure, position, possession and so forth.
But their experience will be no different from the man in the Bible who ended up crying:
“When I surveyed all that my hands had done…everything was meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 2:11).
Pray for those who are in cultic bondages-
– that they may see their need of Christ and turn to Him.