Start with surrender!

“Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14).
There is nothing wrong with the desire to have the Holy Spirit’s power in your life!
– however, teaching on the subject too often strays from biblical truth.
In the quest for Holy Spirit power-
– many people follow paths paved with emotion rather than edification!
There is an interesting sequence surrounding the temptation of Jesus.
He was full of the Holy Spirit and led by the Spirit (Luke 4:1-14).
Filling comes with surrender.
Surrender allows the Spirit to lead.
The Spirit-filled believer is an obedient believer.
In a setting of temptation-
He withstood the direct attempts of Satan to get Him to sin.
The Spirit-filled believer also will resist temptation and live a righteous life.
After the temptation-
Jesus is described as returning to Galilee “in the power of the Spirit.” v.14.
It is not incidental that “power” is noted after surrender, obedience and resisting temptation.
There is no short circuit to Holy Spirit power.
One must start with surrender and proceed with obedience.
A lack of spiritual power is not due to a shortage of emotion.
It is a shortage of the Christlike obedience!
If you want Holy Spirit power-
You don’t need to jump and shout!
Follow the example of Jesus.
Do not start with emotion but with obedience!
Ask God to help you follow these steps.