Pray that prayer!

By nature we are both faultfinders and fault avoiders!
We can see the errors of others much more easily than our own-
– and manage to expect change from them while finding excuses for ourselves.
When the Pharisees brought an immoral woman before Jesus, their intent was to pin Him on the horns of a dilemma (John 8:7).
How could He, a friend of sinners, condemn her?
How could He, a righteous man, fail to keep the law?
Their focus was on Jesus-
– as they not only set but also sprung their trap.
Ever notice that the man involved in this act of adultery was not brought before Jesus?
Perhaps the adultery itself was part of the setting of the trap and he was part of the plot, providing an opportunity to catch a woman in the act.
Then the unexpected occurred.
Instead of answering their question-
Jesus pinned the Pharisees with His statement, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” (v 7).
No stones were thrown.
Their error was exposed.
The faultfinders could not avoid their own faults.
It is interesting that the first to leave were the older ones-
– men who knew there was no use denying their own sins.
Seeing the wrong in others is easy!
Seeing the wrong in ourselves is imperative!!
There are times when we confront others biblically regarding their sins.
But we must always confront ourselves as well.
The psalmist prayed:
“Search me, O God, and know my heart: test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Ps 139:23-24).
Pray that prayer now and often-
-especially when you are finding fault in others.