Con game!

Getting swindled-
– is one of the most humiliating and hurting experiences you can go through.
I have gone through that experience!
People set you up by gaining your confidence.
Then mislead you in order to swindle your money and properties.
It’s called a “con game!”
Short form of “confidence game!”
And it’s as old as the Garden of Eden.
Satan conned Adam and Eve.
He was cunning and charming.
They put their confidence in him.
They lost not only their innocence-
– but their God-given dominion over the earth.
Since that time-
– Satan has been the “prince of this world.”
And his confidence games are played daily causing loss to thousands of unwary people.
Living in a world like this-
– you may wonder at times:
“Is there anybody I can trust?”
God wants you to know where your confidence must be placed-
– if your life is to be eternally blessed.
Despite the advice of this world-
– it is not in “self-confidence,”
– nor by trusting some other human being!
God is the only solid Rock in whom you can place all your confidence:
“On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God.” Psalm 62:7.
You can have complete confidence in God because of His name and nature:
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).
Because of who God is, you should trust Him without wavering:
Your trust and confidence in Christ affects every part of your Christian life.
Neither you yourself (by working up ‘”self-confidence”),
– nor any other human being,
– can give you what you need for the Christian life and for facing the future.
This comes only from God.
Write down some areas where you feel your trust in the Lord is weak.
Meditate on Psalm 62:7 and think about how you can strengthen your confidence in God in those areas.
Memorize Hebrews 4:16 and repeat it out loud every time you feel your walk with Christ getting jittery.