Seeds of spiritual life

In Genesis 1:29, the Lord told Adam and Eve:
“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.”
He also told them to “be fruitful and increase in number” (Genesis 1:28).
But that principle of fruit carrying the seeds of the next generation goes beyond just physical reproducing.
Jesus said to His followers:
“I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last” (John 15:16).
And certainly that fruit includes people who will come to Jesus because of you.
They are fruit that your life is supposed to be producing.
How are you doing?
The moment you gave your heart to Jesus Christ-
God made you fruit with seeds!
– with the capability and the purpose of making some more like you!
Apples generate apples.
Oranges generate oranges.
Followers of Jesus generate other followers of Jesus.
But research shows that-
– only an estimated ten percent of believers ever tell someone about their relationship with Jesus Christ, which means nine out of ten believers are missing their destiny.
They have the seeds of life to plant in another heart.
But they’re doing nothing with those seeds.
And people around us go on dying without Christ, and without any hope of heaven!
Isn’t it time you start bearing some fruit-
– like people who will be in heaven because you helped them know how?
And God’s plan is that we reproduce our own kind.
-that moms introduce other moms to Jesus,
-that students introduce other students to Jesus,
-teachers point teachers to Christ,
-businesspeople reach other businesspeople.
He’s placed you where you are so you can take people like you to heaven with you!
How are you doing with your divine assignment?
There are seeds of spiritual life that God planted in you the day you met Jesus.
He’s counting on you to plant those seeds in the people like you.
In fact-
– their eternity depends on it!