Add Two Absolutes!
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (Psalm 23:6).
We run into trouble-
– when we try to look through our circumstances to understand what God is like.
If we have a bad day, for example, we might conclude that God doesn’t love us.
If it’s a really bad day, we may even decide God is picking on us.
When things are going well-
– though, we might assume God has just decided to be good to us for a day.
But if circumstances determined God’s character-
David would have wanted to run as far away from the house of the Lord as he could, not dwell in it!
He lived through some terrible hardships!
Yet he discovered that the right perspective gave him a completely different view of his life.
He was free to experience God deeply in both good times and in bad.
Christians can add two absolutes to our lives.
And it’s important for us to establish these truths firmly in our hearts once and for all:
* God loves us
* God is good to us.
Don’t focus on your problems and miss God’s goodness.
Take note of the many ways he’s expressing his love to you in spite of your problems or even through them.
When you look at life from the right perspective-
– you’ll see God as he really is!