Victory over weakness

Good parents attempt to provide their children-
– every advantage to become successful adults.
As Christians, we especially want to help our kids mature in their knowledge of God and the Bible, their love for Jesus, their appreciation of the church family, and the desire to serve the Lord.
Children frequently have great enthusiasm for the things of God.
But as they grow older, they may fall away.
– is an example of unfortunate drifting (Judges 14:1-10).
He had a godly upbringing.
But at some point, the world’s sexual temptations became very attractive to him.
Scripture reveals several occasions where Samson gave in to his lust.
For instance, he desired a pagan woman from Timnah, despite his parents’ warning.
In Judges 14:1-3, he broke God’s command by marrying her.
A second incident nearly led to his murder.
But he survived only because of his supernatural strength.
Perhaps the most tragic and notorious example was Delilah’s betrayal of Samson.
Lust prevented him from seeing her true nature.
As a result, the Philistines captured and blinded Samson.
Left unchecked, sin penetrates and dominates our lives.
It will affect others with its consequences.
The first step toward success is to be-
– awareness of our weaknesses.
Secondly, we must-
– admit we are helpless to overcome them alone.
Thirdly, it’s important to-
– acknowledge that God is able to rescue us.
Lastly, you need to-
-ask God to help you overcome!
With this perspective-
– we’ll be able to obey His commands and gain victory over weakness!