Are you a fan of God?

“We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed. But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God” (2 Corinthians 6:3-4).
A fire broke out in a building last January-
– displacing three families and several pets.
The blaze was caused by a clogged-up bathroom exhaust fan.
Afterward firefighters issued a community alert:
“Clean your bathroom exhausts!”
Those fans get clogged by powder, lint, and grease; and if you listen, you can hear the strain on the engine.
As the electricity keeps coming at the same rate, the fans can overheat and catch on fire.
As Christians-
– we have the power of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus promised in Acts 1:8.
The problem comes when we don’t keep our lives clean.
God wants to work through His “fans,”
But the grime and gunk of guilty habits can mess things up.
Are you a fan of God?
Do you need a good cleaning?
A few drops of fresh oil?
Is there anything in your life that hinders your usefulness for God?
Any attitude or behaviour?
Ask Him to show you if there is.
Make Psalm 139:23-24 a specific and heartfelt prayer today:
“Lord, inspect me, test me, and see if there is any dirt in my life.
Clean me out, oil me up, and turn me on.”
Instead of praying: “Lord, use me!”
Pray: “Lord, make me usable!”