Sweet smelling savor

“For we are to God the aroma of Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:15).
It’s easy to tell when something has gone bad in the refrigerator.
Isn’t it?
One day you open the door and are hit with that unmistakable odor of spoiled food.
Now, that food didn’t go bad in the blink of an eye.
It was left unattended, and wasn’t thrown out when it should have been.
And eventually, it was overtaken by the process of decay.
Our lives are like that, too.
We don’t just wake up one day and have a sin problem.
A sin can sit there for a while.
Maybe it’s something like doubt, a lie, jealousy, or anger that’s been left unaddressed by you in prayer.
And the longer sin goes unaddressed in our lives, the worse it gets.
It eventually affects our testimony, our character, our behavior, our relationships with others, and of course, with God.
That’s why it’s so important to deal with sin early-
– before it has a chance to take hold in our lives.
When we do-
– we remain a sweet smelling savor to God in Christ Jesus.
Ask God to help you stay aware of sin in your life.
And to help you address it when it tries to take hold in your life.