Victor or a victim?

“And who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” 1 John 5:5.
Have you ever thought about the difference in-
– a thermometer and a thermostat?
A thermometer changes with circumstances–it reacts.
A thermostat changes the circumstances–it regulates.
The same could be said for the way people respond to life’s challenges.
Some let circumstances control them and they often feel like victims.
But others experience life on a more even keel.
Circumstances may become difficult!
But they’re constantly overcoming those difficult circumstances.
They weather the storms with the confidence-
– that circumstances have no power to defeat them.
Which are you?
A thermometer-
– constantly up and down?
Or a thermostat-
– strong and unshakeable?
Are you a victor or a victim?
I find that people who have a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ-
– experience great strength and inner peace no matter what their circumstances.
They don’t see themselves as victims.
But always as victors!
It’s a real key to victorious Christian living.