Spirit of Submission!
“So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another” (Romans 12:5).
My left hand is a member of my body.
And so is my right hand.
The right hand cannot direct the left hand and vice versa.
But both hands can receive instruction from the head.
If one hand is connected to the head and the other hand is connected to the head-
– then it simply follows that our hands are going to submit one to another.
They’re not going to fight one another!
It’s the same way in the-
Body of Christ!
The Church!!
Who is the head of the body?
The Lord Jesus Christ!
Who are the members of the body?
You and I are.
God put us in the church together that we might have-
– a spirit of submission in the fear of the Lord!
Is there someone in the church with whom you’re having difficulties?
Submit yourself to the Lord!
And allow Him to give you grace to submit to one to another!