Never Stop Short of It!
Great promises and great victories fill the pages of the Book of Joshua.
Israel moved into the Promised Land and conquered it with God’s help.
Jericho fell, literally.
Ai was ultimately defeated.
The sun even stood still-all striking evidence that God was fighting for Israel.10:14.
When the details of the conquest are examined beginning in Joshua 13:13-
– a sad fact needs to be noted.
The Israelites did not drive out the people of Geshur and Maacah.
The significance is not the names of the people.
But the fact that they were allowed to remain in the land.
As you continue to read Joshua-
– you will find this phrase repeated: “did not drive them out completely.”
The account of Joshua tells us about God’s promises and Israel’s victories.
But it does not hide the fact that sometimes the fulfillment of the promises was limited by Israel’s incomplete obedience.
Hidden sins, lack of faith and incomplete obedience-
– allowed some of the people to remain in the land.
God’s instructions were clear.
His promises were certain.
The failure was not God’s but the people’s.
They failed and ultimately bore the consequences.
Always strive for complete obedience!
Never stop short of it!
Whatever God gives you to do, do it completely.
Unfinished tasks can be more troublesome than the effort of doing it the first time.