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Day: July 28, 2019

The Abundant Life Christ offers!

The Abundant Life Christ offers!

Every believer in Jesus Christ has a threefold call on his life!

God calls us to know His Son Jesus Christ personally through faith.
Responding to this call changes everything-
-your life, your purpose, your eternal destiny.
It is a call to conversion!

Some folks think, “I’m saved now—next stop, heaven,” but God’s call doesn’t stop at conversion.
Really, it’s just the beginning.

God also calls you to follow Him.
Jesus extends the same invitation to you and me that He did to the disciples on the shore of Galilee:
“Come follow Me!”

This call to discipleship makes a place for you to walk and talk with the Lord every day; it’s an invitation to know and be known by the Lover of your soul.
It is a call to communion!!

The call extends even beyond this to the call to serve Christ.
Contrary to many people’s priority lists, working for God is not in the options column.

Because God needs you to get His Church built?
No, He could do it with His feet up.

He calls you and me off the bench and into the game because He wants to bless us.
Just ask any faithful, fruitful follower of Christ, and they’ll tell you all about the joy of rolling up your sleeves and pouring yourself into the place He’s got for you to serve.
It is a call for commission!!!

Ephesians 2:8-10 sums up our threefold calling like this:
“By grace you have been saved through faith (the call to conversion). And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (the call for commission), which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (the call to communion).”

Where do you stand in relation to God’s call on your life?
Are you experiencing the blessing of obedience?

If you obey the call to know Christ, you know the gift of eternal life.
If you obey the call to follow Christ, you know fellowship with the Lord that brings increasing faith and joy.
If you obey the call to serve Christ, you’re experiencing the rush of investing your life in something greater than your life.

It takes obedience in all three aspects to experience the abundant life Christ offers!

If you wonder where your joy is these days-
-ask yourself how you’re doing in these areas.

Then step up and go after the things that God calls you to.
You’re going to get blessed for sure!