Secure in the Sovereign

The newspaper reminds us of the uncertainty of life. Things happen that are unexpected, tides turn, fortunes shift, lives end. One of the basic needs of humans is a sense of security!
Yet, the events of the day remind us of the insecurity that comes from the uncertainties of life. We just don’t know what’s next.
While most people look for security in something, the Christian finds it in the Sovereign! In the Bible we find reasons to feel secure!
Simple but strong answers are found in Romans 8:31-36.
We are secure knowing that:
• His purpose will not be frustrated. Since God is for us, none can be against us (Romans 8:31).
• His generosity will not be quenched. Since He has not spared His Son, God will withhold nothing in taking care of us (v 32).
• His forgiveness will not be canceled. No prosecution can succeed, since God our judge has already justified us (v 33–34).
• His love will not be severed. God has revealed it in Christ, and nothing, even the ten powerful items listed here, will separate us from Christ’s love (v 35–36).
Nothing can frustrate God’s purpose. Nothing can quench His generosity. Nothing can cancel His forgiveness. Nothing can sever His love from us. None of these nor all of them heaped together can budge the fact that you are-
-dearly loved,
-definitely forgiven and
-divinely secure in the Lord Jesus Christ.
God holds us in the palm of His steady hand. We are-
Secure in the Sovereign!